Thursday, June 28, 2007

There is officially nothing going on In sports this week

So other then mail it in and watch small sports news bits that aren't even worth repeating come off the wire and talk smack about em, I guess I'll just give you a small taste of the fascinating week in sports we just had.

1. Chris Benoit was to report to a PPV event for the WWE this weekend and did not show up, but supposably made text messages to certain WWE stars that listed his physical address repeatedly. After the no show and the odd reporting of the texts the WWE then called the Police and after time they ended up finding Benoit his wife and his small child dead. Murder Murder and suicide has the whole wrestling community on it's head spinning. Sad story and I just don't have the heart to run smack on this one. I use to watch WWE and WCW back in the day, and Benoit if you don't know never really got his time in the spotlight but was definitely a good athlete and according to the wrestling community was one of the few left in the business who's talent outweighed appeal in the ring.

2. NBA trade rumors flying all over the place not to mention the draft which will take place tonight. Kobe to Chicago, KG to Boston, Marion to Indiana, West to Orlando, Magic to Charlotte, D. Brown sent to play overseas (and take that stupid dunk with you!), Divac to star in a new movie with Sasha Vujacic and Vlad Rodmanovich called "Shoot da ball good?". Greg Oden goin to the Trailblazers tonight will be your number one pick and it should be interesting to actually see if anyone is actually dealt anywhere, stay tuned!

3. The Red Sox got swept by the Mariners, I think everyone in sports saw this coming...right? errrrrrrr "shoot da ball good?"

4. Maria Sharapova and Tatiana Glovin are at Wimbledon this week, and if you enjoy seeing hot girls sweat and pound tennis balls at each other while simultaneously letting out an oprgasmic "ahhhh" at the contact point, watch these two!! It's as close as you can get to porn with no cable, plus you can tell your girl your just studying up on women's sports. Wow what a man!!

Ya so I told you, not much goin on kids best bet is to watch the drama unfold tonight at the NBA draft and hope regular season baseball starts to pick it up because this Bonds HR watch ain't gettin any play here...Gdayyyyyyy sir!


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