Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Are You Not Entertained??!!

Every time I see this show I'm inspired all over again. After another fantastic episode last night, this is what I thought before, and some more thoughts:

So i turned on the tv last night and guess what was on ESPN classics: American Gladiators! Man did it bring back some memories. it got me thinking: what with all the garbage reality shows on TV today, how is American Gladiators NOT on the air? i mean what can possibly be more entertaining that watching regular joes getting hammered by 'roided-out meatheads in red white and blue spandex? Nothing! In fact, I say if they bring it back, they not only keep the spandex, but also the cheesy gladiator names, the mortal kombat-looking referee, and the bad hairdos. Tell me Malibu's surf mullet and Nitro's overzealous anger arent the greatest things you've ever seen on live television....

Fast forward to present: Three late-night-snack-and-hanging-with-the-girlfriend-on-couch-watching-random-tv episodes later, I'm still sent into awe and side splitting laughter. Who knows why they pulled this show. I mean it ran a good course, some 6 years, spanning a dozen or so gladiators and about 20 different events, but I look at television today and wonder, "where are you, high school running back turned actor turned extreme athletic competitor?? o where art thou -5% body fat arms bigger than most men's legs sweaty-perm she-ra?"
And although the early season shows look just rundown and underbudgeted now--the old wrestling mats (bland red and blue), experimental gadgets (things breaking, falling apart, twisting together, or players just not using them right), and shadowed crowd of 4 rows back (I know, they filmed at universal studios what can you expect?), TODAY, all these setbacks would be eliminated and American Gladiators would look more badass than ever before. I envision a more refined version of the later seasons, when they discovered the art of dimming the house, shining the equipment, and flashing strobelights from the rafters.
So what can YOU do to help resurrect this ageless classic?? That's an excellent question! Luckily, I found this petition online aimed at bringing the American Gladiators back to your living room. After my signature, they've got 10,163 petitioners. And look, let's face it. If you're a dude born in the early 80's you have a moral obligation to sign this petition. I mean just look at the episode of Family Matters when Urkel and Carl competed on AG against one another?? That was sweet, 'cause they came out dead even after the Eliminator and we all know that never happens. It's usually a blowout, even on comebacks. Either way, if that episode didn't make you want to be a contender on American Gladiators growing up, then Ice is uglier than your face in the morning.
Oh and I also posted a clip of Turbo's punching of a contestant in Swingshot in the random videos section to the right. Use it to rejunvinate your American "juices"--- I dunno about you but I'm cooking up a list of new events I wanna see if they do raise this show from the depths. Hm if I may be so bold this just might be a recurring segment.

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