Sunday, June 17, 2007

Coming or Going? we even care anymore?

Turncoat Bryant met in Spain with Jerry Buss yesterday and asked to be traded from the Los Angeles Lakers to a team in the Eastern Conference or a competitior in the West. Bryant's huge concern is the direction of the franchise and how lackluster it has been over the years. Last month Bryant fired the first shot on Dan Patricks radio show demanding to be traded, but later retreated after talking to Coach Phil jackson one on one. The Lakers then vowed to make some changes and to build around Bryant (wow, what a concept), but thus have not since and obviously with this news Bryant is growing tired of the idleness which has loomed GM Mitch Kupchak since the leaving of Jerry West. Teams discussed in possible trades have been Phoenix (don't even think about it), New York (Bryant loves MSG), and Chicago (Best bet considering the talent the Lakers can acquire for Bryant). No word yet on if Bryant has already retracted his comments for a 10th time, and wants to take the Lakers to another title because he bleeds purple and gold and wants to be a Laker for life, yadda yadda yadda. My thoughts on the matter...DO something!! Bryant as erratic as his behavior has been since the fallout between him and Shaq and the Denver case has a point, although I think he's jumping the gun here and this all may be a ploy to get the front office to pick their thumb out of their ass, the moves Kupchak and Co. have made the last couple years are dumbfounding. Albeit salary cap is a factor the choices of players the Lakers have signed talentwise and court smarts are non existant. In no way should I feel they should trade the greatest player in the game, but in no way do I still feel he makes his team better no matter who he plays with. As much as this year he did accept a leader role, his teammates are either too gunshy to choose to follow him or they just don't want to!...and thats a reflection on his character a reflection that tells me when the lights are on Kobe plays leader, but when the lights are off there is no Kobe. He's very quick to point fingers on the court, and to a team that is young there's nothing worse then your leader making you look stupid in front of 20,000 people no less a National audience. Remember the showtime Lakers? Kobe needs to take some notes on Leadership...not once did Magic do this, sure he ripped into em everyone deserves a ripping, but calling out your teammates is a different story. Either way there's trouble in Tinsletown and the Lakers Organization is under tremendous pressure to turn this around quick, with absolutely no room for error. The Fans want change, Kobe wants change and so does Jack Nicholson...get off your ass and make a statement your the LA Lakers for crying outloud.

1 comment:

Bristow Grey said...