Wednesday, June 6, 2007

New London Olympics Logo is Gangster

I'll give you 5 seconds to guess what this is. OK 10 seconds.

Give up? Hell I did! At first glance I was sure I was looking at some random design. Interesting. Or maybe, I thought, some tagger felt like taking a break from thug life for a day to promote international unity somewhere--which was cool at first, until I was instructed that the picture actually says something. So I tried reading it: "ZOR!" then "ZOIR," and finally giving up at an olympic symbolic representation of winners and losers--a worm standing on top of the winners podium (on the left), and another worm carrying the 'burden' of loserdom (on the right).

"Dude, it says '2012'," my buddy pointed out. Oh. "That's the year the next summer olympics will be held, in London." "Now I get it," I said (I really didn't). But creators love it. They say "the emblem is flexible and will evolve over the next five years. [it] needs to work across new platforms that reach young people." Critics hate it though, calling it hideous. A recent poll from the New York Times showed that two percent of people gave it a score of 8 out of 10, eight percent of people gave it 7 out of 10, and the other ninety percent gave it satan-clubbing-baby-seals out of 10.
Anyway, what's the big deal? I say. As long as crap like this-
can sell for $6000, we're gold. However, I do wonder though, since organizations like the International Olympics usually have committees working on the screening process for these kinds of things to weed out the bad ideas, what exactly were the bad ideas???

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