Boy oh boy the tempers on these guys, brawls everywhere... first of all I gotta say this was a big boy fight. A fastball from Padre Pitcher Chris Young grazed the face of Derrick Lee and Lee took offense while walkin over to take his base. Chris Young stands at 6'10 and Derrick Lee stands at 6'5, but don't let that fool you. I give props to Lee for squaring up on Young, eyeing him down then finally lettin the female gangstah in him out. Turns out C.Young was actually tellin him "dude brah I wasn't throwin at your head...that's my skull, nahaha" apparently Lee didn't catch it and said "whatchoo said bout my mama?" and immediately threw a punch equally hard as a 3rd grade girl can throw and missed Young by about oh eternity's physical square footage mass. Young then woke up and startin layin wood repeatedly, dudes pretty conservative on the mound and with his demeanor, but he was all over it, and did his best Mayweather impression. Lee coincidentally follows Piniella as he runs out and tries to stop things, lets his whole team get in front of him and starts pointing fingers and yellin things we can't say in a PG movie...tough! somehow Piniella ended up on the floor and Jake Peavy looked like someone just fooled around with his little sister and went apeshit. 5 game suspensions were given today during the fallout and fines I'm sure will start tallying in due time. Can't we all just get along? just for a little bit?
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